My students will tell you I'm tough when it comes to grading, and deadlines are deadlines. However, I do have a heart, and occasionally I allow students a second chance, when I feel their situation warrants such a move.
Two of these students were in my online World Lit course. They were active in the beginning, then completely inactive for two weeks. The online course is only seven weeks long. They came to my office, and explained that they thought they could drop the class, but found out they couldn't drop the class, and they needed the credits. Could they please rejoin the course and make up all the work???
The other student also needed a second chance. She had experienced a plethora of personal problems, and asked if she could make up the missing essays. I also extended a second chance to her, but she decided to drop the course instead.
All three students were grateful to have a second chance, though the outcomes differed. I will continue to extend a second chance, in very limited special circumstances, to needy students. I'm thankful for the second chances I've gotten in life!